Transoceanic Lights, by S. Li
“Ma’s childbirth scene is a killer. The full account . . . should be enough to make any of us swear off having sex, much less fabricating babies, forever and forever, amen.”
—The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities
“A tender and persuasive portrait of Chinese-American immigration in the post-Mao era.”
—Pleiades Book Review<
Stained, by Abda Khan
“The depiction of how a conservative community, emotional blackmail, and rape culture all lead to an intelligent young woman to not report her sexual assault is realistic and therefore upsetting. But what I enjoyed most about this novel was how ultimately, the story was about Selina’s strength and growth as a survivor.” —Read Diverse Books
“A new voice from an under-represented group of writers as well as a multi-dimensional story that is either too often ignored or even worse, sensationalised. It is refreshing to see that issues such as in-laws and arranged marriage are all dealt with in a compassionate and positive way. —Raj K. Lal, Diversity in Publishing
Love’s Affliction, by Fidelis O. Mkparu

Reviewers Choice Award winner; Indie Fab Book of the Year Finalist
“An exceptionally well crafted work, Love’s Affliction is an engaging and extraordinary multi-cultural novel that documents author Fidelis O. Mkparu as a talented, first class storyteller. Love’s Affliction is very highly recommended for personal reading lists and would prove to be a valued addition to community library Contemporary Fiction collection.”—Midwest Book Review
“Love’s Affliction is a poignant and emotional story of young love as it transforms from friendship to forbidden love, despite the cultural and racial barriers dictated by society.”
—Laurie Bedigian, Detroit Daytime Talkshow Examiner
Living Treasures
, by Yang Huang
A top 3 historical novel of 2014
Silver Medal: Nautilus Book Awards, Fiction
Gold Medal: Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Multicultural Fiction
Bronze Medal: Living Now Book Awards, Inspirational Fiction
Shortlist: The Rubery Book Award, Fiction
Finalist: INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award, Historical Fiction
Shortlist: Santa Fe Writers Project, Fiction
Finalist: Pen/Bellwether Prize
“The personal and the political merge in Yang Huang’s debut novel about a college student in post-Cultural Revolution China. Gu Bao negotiates the shifting landscape of a country still struggling toward modernity, as China’s education system, family planning policies and the deaths of her fellow students in Tiananmen Square sometimes push her to desperate measures. The story moves from city life to the rural home of Bao’s grandparents, acquiring an epic feel in a compact length.” —San Jose Mercury News
“True to life . . . focuses refreshingly on the human spirit” —Library Journal
People and Peppers
, Kelvin Christopher James
“James (Fling with a Demon Lover) turns a love letter to Trinidad into this stylish literary novel filled with sensuous prose and colorful setting.” —Publishers Weekly
“James (Secrets; A Fling with a Demon Lover) introduces readers to the crazy quilt of ethnicities, cultures, and religions that make up the island of Trinidad. He writes in a Trinidadian lilt that is catchy, charming, and much like calypso. Following Vivion around New York is like trying to do the limbo. How low can he go without hitting the ground? And observing the group of smart capable women who keep Vivion on track is a salute to feminism at its most delightful. This is a romance with life well worth reading.” —Library Journal
Praise for Kelvin’s Jumping Ship and Other Stories:
“A warm and gifted raconteur.” —New York Times