Drum Circle 7

The Virtual Writers Workshop brings published authors together with writers for synergy and exchange in a drum circle the first Sunday of the month at 12 p.m. Eastern time, 9 a.m. Pacific time. Get writing for the next meeting!

Participants have included acclaimed author and Pastor Stan Duncan, award winning author Charles Degelman, and Soviet author Ruben Varda whose humorous story ‘Consultation’ about a celestial computer class experimenting in virtual worlds was first published in the HSE anthology Voice from the Planet, later reprinted in Cambridge Book Review, and was lauded by British reviewer The Truth about Books, which named Planet ‘Book of the Month’. If you would like to meet up and rap, read a poem, lyrics, some of your writing (max 10 min.), or just listen, come to the Virtual Writers Workshop in Second Life.

Just create an avatar, download the Second Life veiwer ‘Firestorm’, launch the viewer, and go to this location by pasting this link in the browser in the upper left of the Second Life viewer for a primer on how to move your avatar:


…Then, on Sunday at 12 p.m. Eastern time, 9 a.m. Pacific time, click on Visit Etopia Island (154, 181, 23) and hit then hit the orange  “Teleport Now” button in the middle of the page, and then the gray “Teleport” button at the bottom of the popup to participate in the workshop. Pacific time when everyone will be here… or  meet us here by pasting this link in the browser in the upper left of the Second Life viewer:


Chat by typing into the chat box and hitting ‘enter’. To be able to hear the talk, hit CTRL P, and on the preferences screen, lower the volumes on the media, music, and sound effects, and raise the volume on the voice chat. Right click on the drums to play, ‘stand up’ to stop. If you’d like to read, when it’s your turn, press the ‘speak’ button on the bottom of the screen to talk. For best results, use a headset or Mac. Be sure to turn the speaker button off when you‘re done talking to avoid feedback (worse than criticism!)

You can improve listening by standing near the person who is talking.

‘See’ you there!

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