Andrew Binks has won honorable mention in the Writer’s Union of Canada’s short prose contest, Glimmertrain’s Family Matters contest, and he was a finalist in the Queen’s University Alumni Review poetry contest, and This Magazine’s “Great Canadian Literary Hunt.” An excerpt of his novel, The Catalytic Seduction of Brian White, was first published in HSE’s Voice from the Planet. His fiction and non-fiction has been published in Joyland, Galleon, Fugue, Prism International, Harrington Gay Men’s Literary Quarterly (U.S.), Bent Magazine, The Globe and Mail, and Xtra, among others.
Binks’ first novel, The Summer Between, was published by Nightwood Editions in Spring 2009. His poetry has also appeared in Quill’s “Lust” issue and Velvet Avalanche Anthology. Andrew’s satirical play, Reconciliation, about Native land claims, Japanese internment, and political corruption, will receive a staged reading in Toronto as part of the Foundry Theatre play-reading series.
He received an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia. Andrew spoke at the AWP conference in New York City in 2008 on the merits and challenges of multi-genre writing programs.