Sean Elder is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn, New York; Salisbury, CT; and Palo Alto, CA. His short story ‘The Vale of Cashmere’ was first published in Harvard Square Edition’s anthology Voice from the Planet. His writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Details, Vogue, Elle, New York, Men’s Journal, National Geographic, Premiere, Gourmet, Food & Wine, Redbook, Glamour and numerous other publications. He was also an editor at a few of those places and still works on print magazines and digital publications. A piece he wrote for O: The Oprah Magazine about being a stay-at-home dad was included in a best-of O collection entitled Live Your Best Life that was published in 2005.
Sean Elder wrote a media column for Salon and before that reviewed web sites for the New Yorker (“Only Connect”). His essay “The Lock Box” was included in a collection of men’s writing, The Bastard on the Couch (Morrow, 2004), and was later reprinted on three continents. He co-authored a book with former Marine Captain Josh Rushing of Control Room fame, entitled Mission Al Jazeera, which was published by Palgrave in 2007. He also works as a book doctor and edited Making the Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat by Dr. David Dosa (Hyperion, 2010), a New York Times bestseller. He has taught writing at Eugene Lang College, part of Manhattan’s New School University, and is am now working on another non-fiction book, with Amos Kamil: Great Is the Truth: The Horace Mann Sex Scandal and the Quest for Justice at the Horace Mann School. He blogs for the boomer website Purple Clover, and a short film based on his short story “Stain Removal” was filmed by director Mark Russell in 2013.