Voice from the Planet

Voice from the Planet
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Voice from the Planet

Award-winning and new authors from Congo to Hollywood join forces in Harvard Square Editions’ second volume of Living Fiction, and are donating the net proceeds from book sales to the Nobel Prize-winning charity Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Featuring the lauded stories ‘The Vale of Cashmere‘ by Sean Elder and ‘Consultation’ by Soviet author Ruben Varda about a celestial science class, this book will transport you.

Most anthologies are limited by their themes to a particular town or country, reinforcing entrenched literary nationalism whereby institutionalized literati only appreciate their own. Not Voice from the Planet. This collection of extraordinary voices is unlimited. It will transport you on a globe-trotting adventure from the trauma of African earthquake to a lush glimpse of love in the jungles of Peru.

Break through to war-torn Congo, to American rebellion of the 1960s, to fire dancing in the mountains of Bulgaria, to high finance on 9/11. You’ll find the unexpected wit and intelligence enthralling.

The second in a series of anthologies edited by Harvard alumni, Voice from the Planet is generative, opening a forum where readers and Planet authors can engage in cyberliterary dialogue via the Internet. Readers can take part in the dialogue by emailing the authors and chatting on the web at www.harvardsquareeditions.org

Consultation‘ by Ruben Varda, a Brussels-based, former Soviet author



Voice from the Planet

by Various, including Sean Elder, Alisa Clements, Ruben Varda, Joel Willans, Paula Brancato, Susan Lindheim
Release date: June 15, 2017
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Suspense, Literary
Price: $22.95
ISBN: 9780615367323


Voted Book of the Monthby British reviewer The Truth about Books

“Spanning continents and cultures, Voice From the Planet taps into an unacknowledged psyche – our literary world. An incongruous, gorgeous, eclectic mêlée that will open your eyes and mind to the huge potential amongst international authors.”

—The Truth about Books

“Planet is designed to be a conversation as well as a collection of short stories. Love the story, or disagree with something? Drop the author a note . . . The authors’ varied nationalities marks a new era in fiction.”

ASU News

“Congratulations to Charles, Dan, and Susan for collaborating on such a wonderful project!”

—UCLA News

For centuries, much of the world has been excluded from the literary dialogue between the United States and a few Commonwealth Countries, mainly the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Most of the top English-language book prizes are limited by national interests: the Pulitzer Prize for fiction goes strictly to American authors, preferably ones writing about American life.

Likewise, most anthologies are limited in their themes to a particular country or town, reinforcing this entrenched literary nationalism. A rich canon of international literature has been denied to many English-speaking readers.

Enter the Information Age. The cyber apocalypse, a communication revolution. The thirty authors from around the globe gathered here in Voice from the Planet have been interacting via the world wide web in an effort to bring you a new, Living Fiction.




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Photo © Francesco Zizola / Noor


Proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Nobel Prize winning charity Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971.

Today, MSF provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threat-ened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from healthcare, or natural disasters.

Table of Contents:


The Ground beneath My Feet by Paul-Anthony Delor

Dark Lady of Hollywood by Diane Haithman

Consultation by Ruben Varda

Gates of Eden by Charles Degelman

Under the Poinciana Tree by Carlos Victoria

The Vale of Cashmere by Sean Elder

A Cultural Revolution by Teresa Hsiao

Patchwork by Dan Loughry

Sunflower by Susan Lindheim

Estella and the Gringo by Joel Willans

A Date with the Unknown by Eitan Olevsky

Polis by J. L. Morin

The Fire Dancer by Maria Pavlova

Your Mother by Alisa Clements

Frenching My Sister by Jay Boyer

Marion Terry, who might have been a singer . . . by Vivien Jones

Lily Dale Assembly by Sharon Dilworth

A Dream at the End of the World by Ben Cheetham

Boisterous Devotion by D.E. Tingle

Jameson’s Letters by B.R. Bonner

I’m Prudence by Joanne Groshardt

Bucktown by Dave Woods

The Catalytic Seduction of Brian White by Andrew Binks

Learning to Crawl by Ben Mattlin

Remordimiento by Hélène Valentina de Portu

Don’t Think You’re Calling Too Much by Wickham Boyle

Scherzo by David Landau

What Happened to My Mother by Paula Brancato

When Conrad Aiken Lived Upstairs by Kalman Applbaum

Soldier Red by Lauren Handman

Reunion by Walter E. Gourlay


Proceeds from Harvard Square Editions anthologies have also gone to Jubilee USA Network to break the chains of debt and feed children in over sixty countries. Jubilee works for responsible global lending practices and engages in public education, research, poicy analysis and advocacy.


Jubilee photo © Feije Riemersms



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