Spiders & Flies

Spiders & Flies

Spiders and flies

Scott Adlerberg’s debut novel

An American fugitive in Martinique recovering from a six-hour marriage. A young woman who has a cat for a best friend. A wealthy couple who bicker so much they make solitary life seem irresistible and a yoga-practicing midget with lethal karate skills These are a few of the players at the heart of Spiders and Flies, the story of an abduction gone wrong. Set in the lush sun-drenched tropics, the novel captures the deepest fears and desires of the people drawn into the kidnapper’s web. A drama that unfolds with twisty suspense and dark humor, it sheds a skewed light on the notions of family ties, loyalty, deceit, and friendship.



Scott Adlerberg, February, 2019
on the set of
his new book/film TV show,
“Journey Into Darkness”


Praise for Spiders and Flies

Spiders and Flies

By Scot Adlerberg
Release date: November 5, 2012
Genre: Psychological Thriller; Noir
Price: $15.95
ISBN: 978-0983321651

“Scott Adlerberg is a terrific storyteller and Spiders and Flies belongs on your bookshelf.”

⎯Jason Starr, Anthony Award-winning author of The Craving

“Adlerberg’s Paul Raven is that rare kind of character – a predatory schemer we nonetheless can’t help but identify with through the many twists and turns this story takes him on. The Martinique setting provides a palpable, sensuous, and vivid atmosphere, making it almost a character itself. I was totally immersed from start to finish.”

⎯Larry Dark, Director of The Story Prize



Scott Adlerberg hosting Reel Talks,

with Peter Blauner

in New York’s Bryant Park


About the Author



Scott Adlerberg lives in Brooklyn. This Martinique-set crime novel, SPIDERS AND FLIES (Harvard Square Editions, 2012), is his debut novel. Next came the noir/fantasy novella JUNGLE HORSES (2014), followed by the psychological thriller GRAVEYARD LOVE (2016). He is a regular contributor to sites such as Lithub and Criminal Element, and each summer he co-hosts the Word for Word Reel Talks film commentary series in Manhattan.His new novel, JACK WATERS, a historical revenge thriller, is out now from Broken River Books.

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