The Heir of the Thunderbird
by May-Britt and Martin Braendstrup
The Heir of the Thunderbird is the first of three books in The Glass People series
At the age of 16, Victoria discovers that maybe the strange condition that causes her bones to break like twigs is not osteoporosis, but a legacy from her late father’s ancestors. However, by then she is already tangled up in an intricate web of old legends and secret organizations.In order to find out who she really is, she must seek out her father’s family in Canada, and face her Indian ancestry.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Heir of the Thunderbird
by May-Britt Brændstrup
Giveaway ends March 10, 2018.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
“If you like magic, supernatural phenomena and the struggle between good and evil, then this book is heartily recommended. It is exciting and captivating, and even though I did not know much about Native American culture, I learned much on the way and found it all interesting. The story is well written, and the pages almost turn over by themselves. There are good descriptions of Canada’s wildlife and the places that Victoria and Beate visits, and you can almost feel the cold winter’s breath against the skin and taste the frosty air in your lungs.”
The Heir of the Thunderbird
by May-Britt and Martin Braendstrup
Release date: March 9, 2018
Genre: YA/Fiction
Price: $22.95
ISBN: 978-1-941861-55-4
Praise for the Danish version of The Glass People series
“It’s time for Indian Mythology and the authors May-Britt and Martin Brændstrup goes at it with a sincerity that clearly shows, that they are somewhat experts when it comes to Indian mythology. The two writers are not afraid of twisting and turning the myths and legends and by using elements from both the fantasy- and the crimi genres the result is a story, that leaves you glued to the pages.”
—Emil Blichfeldt, Weekendavisen (Danish national newspaper)
“May-Britt and Martin Brændstrups first book about the Glass people tells a rather interesting story, that makes you eager to read the sequel.“
—Jacob Stegelmann, Troldspejlet (National Danish television)
Praise for the Danish version of The Chrystal Throne series
“The book targets its audience excellently. The story is well written and easygoing without the usual overload of strange and difficult words known to the genre. The story seems believable and the plot simply sweeps you away. The Indian angle hasn’t been worn out yet, and I found it refreshing to read a story without the usual Vampires, Werewolves an Angels.”
—Andrup’s bookshelf (Litterary blogger)
Other books in the series